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Messages : 3321 à 3330
Page : 333
Nombre de messages : 3383
le 04/09/2008 à 21:38
Kenneth Jones
Note : -/10

Hello. It is a pleasure visiting your Homepage. Well thought out and very detailed. I was given your URL by Woodhenge Kennel. We had a Corgi when we lived in Berlin for 13 years and we then moved to Bavaria where the wife wanted to breed Border Collies which we have done for the past few years. Being Welsh and having lived in Wales all my childhood ( I also speak welsh ) I have had a lot of experiance with Corgi's and personaly I love them.
Kenneh Jones
le 26/08/2008 à 16:52
Note : -/10

Congratulations for Benjamin's GREAT success in USA! We are so proud of Luca's gorgeous dad! Hugs to You and all your dogs!

Greetings to Dragonjoy-team all around the world!

Pinja and Suukkosuun pems from Finland
le 14/08/2008 à 18:19
Note : -/10

I have just found your website and all your beautiful Pembroke corgis. I have a 14-week-old Border terrier, but my last dog was a Pembroke/pomeranian cross and she was a lovely little dog. Also, my great granny and her sister bred them, so a love of the breed runs in the family.
le 07/08/2008 à 11:57
Forgaill (France)
Note : -/10

I discovered your homepage with your lovely pems, they look fantastic with such flattering expressions and colours!!
Good luck for the future.
le 29/07/2008 à 19:27
Sylvie, Christophe and Hugo Dancoisne
Note : -/10

We don't have words to thank you for this fantastic ray of light who's our so lovely Happy. We wish you all the best for you and your corgi's dream team and all of Dragonjoy's owners all around the world. Love, Sylvie :-P
le 18/07/2008 à 14:45
maria elena (parma)
Note : -/10

salve,e da tanto che non ci becchiamo in expo,perche' da quando il mio bassotto ha conseguito anche il top dog 2007, nn ho frequentato piu' assiduamente i ring,ricomincero' di nuovo da settembre.
vedo che il suo allevamento si arricchisce sempre piu' di campioni,d'altronde se lo merita una persona che con passione si dedica alla selezione di questa bellissima razza(se nn avessi gia' 4 cani prenderei un corgie perche' hanno un ottimo carattere).
saluti da elena e la sua truppa(walter ed erika bassotti a pelo lungo,alexandra cucciolona di boxer) mdr
Messages : 3321 à 3330
Page : 333
Nombre de messages : 3383